1. 1. Masatomi H. 2000. The all of the Tancho. Hokkaido Press Inc, Sapporo.
2. 2. Masatomi H. 2002. Tancho. In Threatened Wildlife of Japan Red Data Book 2nd Edition: Aves. (Wildlife Division of the Ministry of the Environment ed.), pp. 164-165. Japan Wildlife Research Center, Tokyo (in Japanese with English summary).
3. 3. Koga K. 2008. The status review of the Tancho in Hokkaido: current threats. In Proceedings of the meeting of a Feasible International Project for Protection of the Tancho Grus japonensis in 2007 (Koga K, Hu D, Momose K eds.), pp. 13-20. Tancho Protection Group, Kushiro.
4. 4. Masatomi H, Masatomi Y. 2009. Promoting the coexistence of humans and Tancho in Japan. Jpn J Conserv Ecol 14: 223-242 (in Japanese with English summary).
5. 5. Koga K, Saitou K, Masatomi H. 2009. Inferring food animals of the Tancho Grus japonensis breeding at Hirosato in Kushiro Mire. Bull Akan Int Crane Center 8: 19-42 (in Japanese with English summary).