
Kolsanov Aleksandr V.1ORCID,Chemidronov Sergey N.1ORCID,Kornilov Vadim D.1ORCID,Suvorova Galina N.1ORCID


1. Samara State Medical University, Samara


In modern specialized literature, there is practically no information about the shape, size and topography of one of the most important formations of the perineum - of the perineal body. Knowledge of the anatomical aspects of the structure and location of the perineal center would allow in the future to reduce the postoperative complications associated with unintentional damage. The question of the morphology of the perineal body and associated muscles in clinical practice in obstetric traumatism remains relevant. The aim of the study was to study the morphometric parameters and features of the topography of the human perineal body. The objects of the study were 50 autopsy cases of people aged 60-87 years, 25 of each sex, who died from causes not related to the pathology of the pelvic organs. In each case, the perineal body, location of its center and associated muscles were identified. Methods of classical anatomical preparation, description and statistical analysis were used in the work. As a result of the work, five forms of the perineal body were identified: cruciform, «hourglass», triangular, round, polygonal. There were also cases where it was not possible to determine the shape of the intersection of the fibers. For men, the most common triangular shape, for women - the shape of an «hourglass». In most cases in which the shape of the intersection of the fibers was determined, there were clearly identifiable tendon fibers, that is, the tendinal center of the perineal body was present. The average area of ​​the tendinal center of the perineal body in women was 0.99±0.47 cm², and in men 0.94±0.32 cm². The ratio of cases of displacement of the tendinal center towards the right or left ischial tuberosities is almost equal to 10 cases towards the right ischial tuberosity and 11 cases towards the left. When evaluating the pubo-coccygeal asymmetry, in most cases with a triangular shape, there is a sharp displacement towards the apex of the coccyx. Also, the authors found that the average area of ​​the tendinal center of the perineal body is larger in women than in men. Thus, the human perineal body has a variety of forms, according to the authors, associated not only with the embryological features of the development of the muscles of the perineum, but also with the lifestyle, a history of diseases and surgical interventions in the area of ​​the tendinal center of the perineal body.


Reaviz Medical University


Energy Engineering and Power Technology,Fuel Technology

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