Morphological features of the structure of the parenchyma of the liver depending on the type of the echinococcal cyst


Minaev S. V.1,Grigorova A. N.2,Dolgashova M. A.2,Semerenko O. M.2


1. Stavropol State Medical UniversityStavropol State Medical University

2. Stavropol State Medical University


Currently, the problem of echinococcosis remains relevant, since this chronically ongoing and parasitic disease leading to disability occurs in different age groups. In this study, the goal was to conduct a morphological analysis of the fibrous capsule with adjacent liver tissues, depending on the type of echinococcal cysts. The analysis of histological preparations of postoperative biopsies of the liver of 32 patients with echinococcosis after surgery on the liver . A standard morphological analysis of the preparations of the sites of the chitinous membrane and liver parenchyma stained with hematoxylin-eosin and Van Gieson was performed. Types of echinococcal cysts were classified according to the Apoyan-Sarkisyan (1991) classification according to ultrasound sonography and compared with types of cysts according to the international classification of ultrasound images for cystic echinococcosis, which was approved by the WHO. It was found that fibrous membranes in cysts of type II (CE1), III (CE2) and IV (CE3) types may contain germ elements, therefore, this types must be considered as one of the factors for the occurrence of recurrence of echinococcosis.


Reaviz Medical University


Energy Engineering and Power Technology,Fuel Technology

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