1. State Higher Education Institution "Priazovskyi state technical university", Dnipro
2. Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro
The article discusses the issue of automating the distribution of messages in the Telegram messenger using cloud technologies. The general problem of sending messages through several channels is described. An overview of the latest research and publications of modern messaging technologies in Telegram was made, libraries, frameworks and modern patterns were analyzed. A method of using the capabilities of AWS EC2 to create a scalable and reliable solution for automated message distribution is proposed. The process of creating a program according to the proposed method is described in detail. Its architecture and interaction of modules are described. The architecture is structured to encapsulate different functions, each of which serves a specific purpose in the larger context of automated message distribution on the Telegram platform. The characteristics of the selected AWS service, the selected operating system, the programming language and the used libraries are given. The use of automatic scaling in AWS is demonstrated, which automates the configuration of resources based on predefined criteria and provides an effective solution for handling demand fluctuations and maintaining optimal system performance. Python programming language and Telethon library are used. The interaction of AWS EC2 with the Telegram API and the use of the Asynchronous Message Forwarding module to organize the processing of several channels at the same time are shown. The features of the program are described – setting up Telegram accounts, searching for messages, automated forwarding to several channels and other actions. The results of tests of the developed program are shown, which show that the automation of the process of sending messages increases the speed of their delivery to a large number of chats by 120 seconds, which is 40 times more effective, and its resource consumption is less than the resource consumption of ordinary client telegrams in 5 times
SHEI Pryazovskyi State Technical University