Indicators of Technical and Tactical Actions of Qualified Air Rifle Shooters


Demichkovskyi A. P.ORCID


The purpose of the study was to define informative indicators of technical and tactical actions of qualified rifle shooting athletes. Materials and methods. The study involved MSU (number of athletes n = 10), CMSU (number of athletes n = 9). To solve the tasks set, the following research methods were used: analysis and generalization of scientific and methodological literature, pedagogical observation. Pedagogical observation was used to study the peculiarities of technical and tactical indicators of qualified athletes, as well as their motor abilities; methods of mathematical statistics were used to process the experimental data. Results. A detailed analysis of competitive activity made it possible to determine that the shot phases “Aiming”, “Shot execution – active shot”, “Preparation for the shot” are informative indicators of technical and tactical actions of qualified rifle shooting athletes. The study determined time parameters of the phases during competitive activity. The difference between the average indicators of the athletes with different sports qualifications is at the limit of 2.55 seconds, which suggests that the duration of the restorative processes of the shooter’s body affects the performance of each shot.  Conclusions. A detailed analysis of air rifle shooting among men during competitive activity allowed to determine the difference in technical and tactical fitness between the athletes with different sports qualifications of MSU and CMSU levels: “Aiming” – MSU 950.56 seconds, CMSU 1017.91 seconds; “Shot execution – active shot” – MSU 964.45 seconds, CMSU 952.36 seconds; “Preparation for the shot” – MSU 1678.66 seconds, CMSU 1855.19 seconds, “Total execution time” – MSU 3593.68 seconds, CMSU 3825.47 seconds.




Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health,Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation,Health (social science)

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