Information support learning and development of motor abilities of children and adolescents (for example, gymnastics)


Худолій О. М.ORCID,Іващенко О. В.ORCID


Analysis of the literature showed that the problem of introducing automation technologies of information processing and the creation of a database on the physical condition of children and adolescents is important. The purpose of research — to develop an application to inform the process of learning motor actions and the development of motor abilities of children and adolescents.Research methods. To achieve the objectives have been used in the analysis of literature as a philosophical and scientific methods of research, such as: the dialectical method (the systems principle, the principle of causality); systematic approach; modeling; synthesis, analysis, synthesis; pedagogical experiment; methods of mathematical planning of the experiment; testing.The results of the study. The results show that the proposed Plan matrix factorial experiment the chosen step of varying factors is sufficient to study the effects of different modes of physical exercises to develop strength and efficiency of the education of children and adolescents.The new algorithm is information support for teaching motor actions of children and adolescents, which is different from conventional approaches. In contrast to the application of comprehensive monitoring of the physical condition of pupils of 1—11 classes, an algorithm based on a computer simulation of the process of learning and development of motor abilities in children and adolescents.Conclusions. An algorithm for calculating regulatory load for young gymnasts 7—13 years. Based on an algorithm created a pilot program complex information support for teaching motor actions and the development of motor abilities in children and adolescents. 




Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health,Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation,Health(social science)

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