Strength Abilities: Dynamics of Training Effect of Strength Exercises in Girls Aged 9


Ivashchenko O. V.ORCID,Nosko Yu. M.ORCID,Ferents V. S.ORCID


The study objective is to determine the influence of the combined method of strength development on the dynamics of training effect in girls aged 9 years. Materials and methods. The study involved 15 girls aged 9. The experiment was conducted according to the plan shown in Table 1. The study implemented the first variant of the combined method for developing arm and shoulder muscles (place I), abdominal muscle strength (place II), back muscle strength (place III), and leg muscle strength (place IV). The study materials were processed by the statistical analysis software – IBM SPSS 22. Discriminant analysis was performed. Results. The discriminant analysis indicates statistically significant changes in the training effect of strength exercises (places І–ІV, р < 0.001). The immediate and delayed training effect of strength exercises depends on the total amount of strength exercises in a physical education lesson. Thus, changes after training at each place of strength development are amplified by the subsequent exercises at other places, the differences between the testing indicators are statistically significant (p = 0.001). Conclusion. The study determined a positive training effect of strength exercises when using the combined method of strength development in the following modes: dynamic effort method – 3 repetitions, 30-s rest; maximum effort method – 1 repetition, 30-s rest; isometric effort method – 3 repetitions, 30-s rest; repeated effort method – 6 repetitions, 30-s rest. In strength load response, there are an immediate and delayed training effects. Thus it can be argued that it is possible to classify training effects by the presented battery of tests based on discriminant analysis.




Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health,Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation,Health(social science)

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