Pedagogical Control of Motor and Functional Preparedness of Girls Aged 15-16


Іващенко О. В.ORCID


Research objective. To improve the methods of pedagogical control of motor and functional preparedness of female high schoolers. Materials and methods. To achieve the tasks set, the research used the following methods: analysis of scientific and methodological literature, pedagogical testing and methods of mathematical statistics of data reduction. Statistical analysis. We used the IBM SPSS 20 program of statistical analysis to process the research materials. It calculated the following statistics for each variable: mean, standard deviations, Student's t-test criteria for independent samples. During the discriminant analysis, we created a prognostic model for belonging to a group. This model builds the discriminant function (or a set of discriminant functions in case of more than two groups) as a linear combination of predictor variables, which ensures the best division of groups. The participants in the study were 22 girls aged 15, and 32 girls aged 16. Research results. The canonical function obtained explains 100% of the variation of the results, and is informative for the classification of motor and functional preparedness of the girls aged 15-16. The analysis of the canonical function proves its statistical significance (λ=.489; р < .0001). The structural coefficients of the canonical discriminant function show that the levels of functional preparedness of the girls aged 15 and 16 considerably differ. Conclusions. The girls aged 15 show better motor and functional preparedness than the girls aged 16. This indicates that the reason why the 16 year-old girls fall behind the 15 year-old girls is the decrease in physical activity at the age of 16. The levels of the functional preparedness of the girls aged 15 and those aged 16 differ significantly. The data obtained show a prognostic significance of the discriminant function in assessing the level of motor and functional preparedness of the girls aged 15-16. The discriminant model can be used for pedagogical control of the level of motor and functional preparedness of girls aged 15-16.




Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health,Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation,Health (social science)

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