Fioribello Simone,Giribone Pier Giuseppe, ,
Italian Association of Financial Industry Risk Managers (AIFIRM)
Reference27 articles.
1. [1] Bendato I., Cassettari L., Mosca R., Giribone P. G. - "Monte Carlo method for pricing complex financial derivatives: an innovative approach to the control of convergence", Journal of Applied Mathematical Sciences 9 - 124 (2015)
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3. [3] Buhmann M. - "Radial Basis Functions" - Cambridge University Press (2003)
4. [4] Cafferata A., Giribone P. G., Neffelli M., Resta M. - "Yield Curve estimation under extreme conditions: Do RBF networks perform better?" Chapter 22 in book "Neural Advances in Processing Nonlinear Dynamic Signals" - Springer Verlag (2019)
5. [5] Cafferata A., Giribone P. G., Resta M. - "Interest rates term structure models and their impact on actuarial forecasting" - XIX Quantitative Finance Workshop - QFW Rome (2018)