Hearing function in twins from spontaneous and induced pregnancy


Rakhmanova I. V.1ORCID,Sichinava L. G.1ORCID,Lebedeva S. Yu.1ORCID


1. Russian National Research Medical University by N.I. Pirogov Ministry of Health of Russia


In recent years, an increase in the frequency of multiple pregnancies has been observed worldwide, which is primarily associated with the widespread use of assisted reproductive technology for the treatment of infertility. Pregnancy resulting from in vitro fertilization is a high-risk group. In the world scientific literature there are practically no works on the study of auditory function in children from multiple pregnancy. As for the studies of the auditory function of children from multiple pregnancies, such works are practically absent in the literature. The article presents the results of an audiological examination of 204 children from twins, 94 of which were born as a result of using assisted reproductive technologies, and 110 from a spontaneous multiple pregnancy. According to an audiological survey using the method of otoacoustic emission at the frequency of product distortion in the expected period of labor, we have proven that the conception method (spontaneous or induced) does not affect the maturation of the auditory function in children from twins: registration of the distortion product otoacoustic emissions (DPOAE) test is 56,1 and 54,4% of cases, respectively. The auditory function of each child from one twin must be considered individually.


The National Academy of Pediatric Science and Innovation


Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health

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