Feeding of children with chronic nutritional disorders


Panasenko L. M.1,Kartseva T. V.1,Nefedova J. V.1,Timofeeva E. P.1,Cherepanova M. I.1


1. Novosibirsk State Medical University


The article presents current data on the features of the nutritional status of children with chronic nutritional disorders such as hypotrophy, paratrophy, etc. The authors describe the principles and timing of the complementary foods, as well as the advantages of a certain complementary feeding, depending on the type of nutritional disorder. Often, pediatricians pay close attention to the organization of nutrition of children in the first 12 months of life, as a more vulnerable period, while the age period of 12–36 months is also characterized by a significant growth rate and high demands in a number of micronutrients. The article provides recommendations on the nutritional prevention of alimentary-dependent conditions, as well as for a child with a “problematic” appetite (poor eater). It provides the approaches to the treatment of chronic nutritional disorders in children through the correction of eating behavior and diet therapy, including motivational training with the involvement of parents and family members.


The National Academy of Pediatric Science and Innovation


Pediatrics, Perinatology, and Child Health

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