“Masks” of fever of unknown origin in children


Fayzullina R. M.1ORCID,Samigullina N. V.2ORCID,Victorov V. V.1ORCID


1. Bashkir State Medical University

2. Bashkir State Medical University; Clinical Emergency Hospital


   The article presents an analysis of cases of hospitalized children with fever of unknown origin. Purpose: to study the nosological structure of the causes of fever of unknown genesis in hospitalized children.   Material and methods: a retrospective analysis of the medical histories of children hospitalized in the pediatric department was carried out for 2022–2023. All children underwent a comprehensive laboratory and instrumental examination.   Results: the largest proportion (43,9 %) were school-age children who, in addition to fever, had complaints of weakness (87,8 %) and decreased appetite (85,4 %). Anemia (51,2 %), acceleration of ESR (47,6 %) and an increase in C-reactive protein (45,1 %) were most often recorded in the analyses. The causes of fever of unknown origin in 65,9 % of children were infectious diseases, in 19,5 % — autonomic dysfunction syndrome with a violation of thermoregulation, in 6,1 % — systemic connective tissue diseases, in 4,9 % — oncological pathology, in 2,4 % — inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.   The results of the study can be applied in pediatric practice, monitoring of children with infectious pathology.


The National Academy of Pediatric Science and Innovation

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