A Soft X-ray Experimental Facility


Gilfrich John V.,Nagel David J.,Fatemi Mohammad,Bleach Richard D.,Hudson Karrol R.


AbstractA high vacuum soft x-ray source has been coupled to a large volume experimental chamber to provide a versatile facility for x-ray investigations in the energy range of 0.1 to 10 kev. The source chamber presently contains a modified Herike tube, but can employ any of a variety of source designs. The large experimental chamber is equipped with a kinematic mount to position a number of x-ray optical instruments. The source and experimental chambers are connected through a high vacuum valve/shutter, and are pumped separately with provision for a thin window to isolate one from the other, single and double crystal spectrometers have been used in the experimental chamber. A variable chord diffractometer/reflectometer using double crystal monnotiromatization has been designed, in addition, the facility has been used to expose photoresists in x-ray lithography tests.


Cambridge University Press (CUP)

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