Jones K. W.,Kwiatek W. M.,Gordon B. M.,Hanson A. L.,Pounds J. G.,Rivers M. L.,Sutton S. R.,Thompson A. C.,Underwood J. B.,Giauque R. D.,Wu Y.
X-ray microscopy is a field that has developed rapidly in recent years. Two different approaches have been used. Zone plates have been employed to produce focussed beams with sizes as low as 0.07 pm for x-ray energies below 1 keV. Images of biological materials and elemental maps for major and minor low Z have been produced using above and below absorption edge differences. At higher energies collimators and focussing mirrors have been used to make small diameter beams for excitation of characteristic K— or L-x rays of all elements in the periodic
Cambridge University Press (CUP)
Reference6 articles.
1. Microanalysis with a Soft X Ray Scanning Microprobe
2. Absorption microanalysis with a scanning soft X-ray microscope: mapping the distribution of calcium in bone
3. Thompson A.C. , Underwood J.H. , Wu Y. , Giauque R , Jonas K. , and Rivers M. , Elemental measurements of biological and geological samples using an x-ray microprobe, Nucl, Instrum. Methods, in press.
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1 articles.