1. Low‐Loss Reflection Coatings Using Absorbing Materials
2. Grupido N. and Gutmaa Osmic G. , Inc. (Troy, Michigan, USA). The first parabolic reflectors for parallel-beam applications were manufactured to Siemens’ specifications by Osmic in 1993. The design was based on the feasibilty of layer deposition at Osmic and the geometrical boundary requirements of Siemens’ diffraction system. Modified gradings were produced since then and bent to the different monochromator figures.
3. Joensen K. D. , Hoghaj P. , Christensen F. , Gorenstein P. , Susini J. , Ziegler E. , and Wood J. , SPIE 2011 (1994).
4. Göbel H. , ACA Annual Meeting (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA) August 9-14, 1992, Book of Abstracts vol. 20, p. 34.