1. McMaster W. H. , Del Grande N. K. , Mallett J. H. , and Hubbell J. H. , “Compilation of X-Ray Cross Sections,” Lawrence Radiation Laboratory Report UCRL-50174 Section II, University of California, Livermore (l969).
2. United States Committee on Extension to the Standard Atmosphere, U. S. Standard Atmosphere, 1962, Superintendent of Documents, U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C.
3. Henke B. L. , Elgin R. L. , Lent R. E. and Ledingham R. B. , “X-Ray Absorption in the 2 to 200 A Region,” Norelco Reporter, XIV, No. 3-4, 1967, p. 112.
4. Henke B. L. , Elgin R. L. , Lent R. E. and Ledingham R. B. , “X-Ray Absorption in the 2 to 200 A Region,” Technical Report, AFOSR 67-1254, June 1967.
5. Wuilleumier F. , “Contribution a L'Etude de la Photoionisation des Gas Rares par Analyse Continue Entre 1,5 et 15 A,” Thesis, University of Paris, 1959.