Evaluation of rehabilitation services provided to drug addicts in district Peshawar


Hamid Ramsha1,Sarwar Naveeda2,sarwar Adnan3,Gul Saira4,Saman Saman5,Masood Hassnain1


1. Lecturer Community Medicine, Pak International Medical College, Peshawara

2. Psychologist Community Medicine Pak International Medical College, Peshawar

3. Assistant Professor, pathology Pak International Medical College, Peshawar

4. Psychologist, HoD,shukat Khanam Memorial Hospital, Peshawar

5. Senior lecturer, pathology Pak international medical college, Peshawar


Rehabilitation is an integrated program of interventions that empower individuals with disabilities and chronic health conditions to achieve “personally fulfilling, socially meaningful, and functionally effective interaction” in their daily contexts. To assessing the rehabilitation services provided to the drug addicts in Peshawar. To assess the role of government sector rehabilitation centers and the private sector rehabilitation centers in reducing the sufferings of the drug addicts.Methodology is a cross sectional analytical study was conducted in 4 rehabilitation centers of Peshawar city i.e. KTH, LRH, DWF Hayatabad and DWF Shahibala, selected by convenient sampling technique. A closed ended questionnaire was planned with a checklist of services provided in the drug rehabilitation centers. This was filled by the staff members of the rehabilitation centers. Also 131 drug addicts who were present in rehabilitation centers on the day of interview and were willing to participate in the study were included in the study population. Data was analyzed through Spss v.22 and different statistical test were applied. The resaerch is obtained the Results by Drug addiction was found to be 54% among the younger age group of 21-30 years. A significant (p=0.029) association was found between marital status and relapse of drug addiction. History of imprisonment had a significant relationship (p=0.003) with relapse. Another significant association (p=0.01) was found to exist between peer pressure and relapse. The results of the study explain that the services available for rehabilitation of drug addicts are not sufficient and the relapse rate more in public sector rehabilitation centers and the possible risk factors for relapse are peer influence, marital status and a history of imprisonment.Conclusionof this resarch is on the basis of the results and statistical analysis of our research study it can be concluded that the services available for the rehabilitation of drug addicts in Peshawar are not sufficient. The number of drug rehabilitation centers and the treatment slots available in those centers are few in number. Also most of the drug rehabilitation centers are providing the inpatient type of treatment setting which makes it impossible for a large number of drug addicts to get the benefits of rehabilitation programs. The rehabilitation services are not free of cost and a large number of drug addicts cannot afford the service charges as disallowance mechanism is not effective in the centers.


True Vision Innovative Research Association

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