Frequency importance functions in simulated bimodal cochlear-implant users with spectral holes


Yoon Yang-Soo1ORCID,Whitaker Reagan2,White Naomi1


1. Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders, Baylor University 1 , Waco, Texas 76798, USA

2. Department of Hearing and Speech Sciences, Vanderbilt University 2 , Nashville, Tennessee 37232, USA


Frequency importance functions (FIFs) for simulated bimodal hearing were derived using sentence perception scores measured in quiet and noise. Acoustic hearing was simulated using low-pass filtering. Electric hearing was simulated using a six-channel vocoder with three input frequency ranges, resulting in overlap, meet, and gap maps, relative to the acoustic cutoff frequency. Spectral holes present in the speech spectra were created within electric stimulation by setting amplitude(s) of channels to zero. FIFs were significantly different between frequency maps. In quiet, the three FIFs were similar with gradually increasing weights with channels 5 and 6 compared to the first three channels. However, the most and least weighted channels slightly varied depending on the maps. In noise, the patterns of the three FIFs were similar to those in quiet, with steeper increasing weights with channels 5 and 6 compared to the first four channels. Thus, channels 5 and 6 contributed to speech perception the most, while channels 1 and 2 contributed the least, regardless of frequency maps. Results suggest that the contribution of cochlear implant frequency bands for bimodal speech perception depends on the degree of frequency overlap between acoustic and electric stimulation and if noise is absent or present.


National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders


Acoustical Society of America (ASA)







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