Underwater single-channel acoustic signal multitarget recognition using convolutional neural networks


Sun Qinggang1ORCID,Wang Kejun1ORCID


1. College of Intelligent Systems Science and Engineering, Harbin Engineering University, Harbin, Heilongjiang Province, China


The radiated noise from ships is of great significance to target recognition, and several deep learning methods have been developed for the recognition of underwater acoustic signals. Previous studies have focused on single-target recognition, with relatively few reports on multitarget recognition. This paper proposes a deep learning-based single-channel multitarget underwater acoustic signal recognition method for an unknown number of targets in the specified category. The proposed method allows the two subproblems of recognizing the unique class and duplicate categories of multiple targets to be solved. These two tasks are essentially multilabel binary classification and multilabel multiple value classification, respectively. In this paper, we describe the use of real-valued and complex-valued ResNet and DenseNet convolutional networks to recognize synthetic mixed multitarget signals, which was superimposed from individual target signals. We compare the performance of various features, including the original audio signal, complex-valued short-time Fourier transform (STFT) spectrum, magnitude STFT spectrum, logarithmic mel spectrum, and mel frequency cepstral coefficients. The experimental results show that our method can effectively recognize synthetic multitarget ship signals when the magnitude STFT spectrum, complex-valued STFT spectrum, and log-mel spectrum are used as network inputs.


Science and Technology on Underwater Test and Control Laboratory

Young Scientists Fund


Acoustical Society of America (ASA)


Acoustics and Ultrasonics,Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous)

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