1. R. P. A. Dekeling
M. L. Tasker
A. J. Van der Graaf
M. A. Ainslie
M. A. Andersson
M. André
J. F. Borsani
K. Brensing
M. Castellote
D. Cronin
J. Dalen
T. Folegot
R. Leaper
J. Pajala
P. Redman
S. P. Robinson
P. Sigray
G. Sutton
F. Thomsen
S. Werner
D. Wittekind
, and
J. V. Young
, “
Monitoring guidance for underwater noise in European seas, Part II: Monitoring guidance specifications,” JRC Scientific and Policy Report EUR 26555 EN,
Publications Office of the European Union,
Luxembourg, 2014.
2. See https://www.euramet.org/research-innovation/search-research-projects/details/?tx_eurametctcp_project[project]=1406 (Last viewed December 9, 2022).
3. Calibration standards for hydrophones and autonomous underwater noise recorders for frequencies below 1 kHz: current activities of EMPIR “UNAC-LOW” project
4. The application of the NPL laser pistonphone to the international comparison of measurement microphones