Full Practice Authority: Policy Review and Recommendation for Regional Nurse Practitioner Practice in the Southeastern Region of the United States


,Ratledge Tambra


This policy analysis examines the limited practice authority for advanced practice registered nurses (APRN) in the Southeastern United States, focusing on Tennessee while drawing comparisons to Georgia and Alabama. The PICO question that guided this policy analysis is: For advanced practice registered nurses within the southeast region of the United States (P), how does the development of a comprehensive policy recommendation for full practice authority (I), compared to existing reduced or restricted practice authority in the southeast region of the United States (C) affect access to care as endorsed by literature (O)? The literature suggests that despite being equipped with the education, accreditation, certification, and licensure, APRNs in the Southeastern states still have regulatory and nonregulatory barriers to practice, impeding their ability to provide access to care, especially in rural and underserved communities. Moreover, the literature strongly advocates adopting evidence-based recommendations by the American Association of Nurse Practitioners, the Consensus Model, and The Academy of Medicine to modernize the outdated regulatory and nonregulatory barriers impeding APRNs. A policy brief is also proposed to engage stakeholders in advocating for these evidence-based recommendations and securing APRNs' full practice authority. Eliminating these barriers allows APRNs to work to their full ability, resulting in enhanced healthcare access, improved quality, reduced healthcare disparities, and potentially lowered healthcare costs.


University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences Library

Reference35 articles.

1. America's Health Rankings. (2022). Health disparity report. America's Health Rankings. https://www.americashealthrankings.org/learn/reports/2021-disparities-report

2. American Association of Nurse Practitioners. (n.d.). Federal issue briefs: Informing NPs on health policy, sharing the NP perspective. Retrieved October 25, 2023 from https://www.aanp.org/advocacy/federal

3. American Association of Nurse Practitioners. (2022a). AANP state fact sheet. https://www.aanp.org/advocacy/state/state-practice-environment/state-policy-fact-sheets

4. American Association of Nurse Practitioners. (2022b). Nurse practitioner, No. 1 ranked health care job, reports increase in numbers. https://www.aanp.org/news-feed/nurse-practitioner-no-1-ranked-health-care-job-reports-increase-in-numbers

5. American Association of Nurse Practitioners. (2022c). 2023 state policy priorities. https://www.aanp.org/advocacy/state/state-policy-priorities








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