In astronautics, stainless steel is widely used for the manufacture of spacecraft. Rocket fuel tanks are now made of stainless steel. In order for steel to be stainless, for example, grades 08X13 and 12X13, it must contain up to 13% chromium. In pure chromium and its alloys, phase transitions occur under temperature fluctuations and mechanical loads, during which the plastic, strength, and magnetic characteristics of steel alloys change. The article describes distinguishes between phase transformations of the 1st and 2nd kind in chromium and the inconsistency in the definition of the type of transition by different authors. The change in the form of the crystal lattice during the transition from an antiferromagnet to a paramagnet at the Neel point TN = 38 85 °C, is described. An analysis of the relationship between the type of phase transition and the type of symmetry is given. An explanation is given for the difficulties in studying phase transitions in chromium due to the imperfection of the model of the electronic configuration in the 3d layer of the chromium atom.
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