1. Moscow Automobile and Road Construction State Technical University (MADI)
2. Yu.A. Izrael Institute of Global Climate and Ecology
Introduction. The results of estimating greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by a vehicle fleet are described, using the COPERT-4 methodology and the baseline data contained in 1-BDD form, concerning the number of vehicle fleets in Russia and three options for detailing the fleet structure by the fuel type and ecological class in different organizations. Such data is not provided in the forms of state statistical reports and is generated by the researchers.Materials and methods. Various approaches to the structuring of the park by the fuel type and the ecological class give a slight variation in the values of GHG emissions’ gross (up to 4.1%), which confirms the correctness and approaches’ validity to the generation of the required initial data. The authors introduce the concept of total conditional transport work in order to adjust the values of the average annual mileage to the generation of the required initial data in the calculation of GHG emissions gross by the fleet of cars. Moreover, the value of total conditional transport work for all considered GHG variants should be the same.Results. As a result, if such adjustment is not made, the difference between the obtained calculated values of GHG emissions gross by the vehicle fleet for different authors would reach 25-30%. Discussion and conclusions. The reliability of the GHG emission values estimation is confirmed by the indirect method or by comparing the data of statistical reporting on the volumes of motor fuel consumption depending on different consumers in the fuel and energy balance, and on the fuel consumption values, and on the greenhouse gas emissions gross by the COPERT-4 method.
Siberian State Automobile and Highway University (SibADI)
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