
Miller M. A.1ORCID


1. Omsk State University named after F.M. Dostoyevsky, OSC SB RAS


Introduction.The article is devoted to the study of the regional manufacturing industry of the Siberian Federal District from the standpoint of economic security. The purpose of the article is to analyze the manufacturing industries on the basis of the proposed indicators group and in the context of ensuring economic security of the Siberian federal district.Materials and methods.The scientific methods of logic, comparison, as well as the method of the statistical materials’ analysis are used in the research. The analysis of the manufacturing industry was carried out in two groups of indicators:1)            indicators determining the socio-economic importance of the manufacturing industry for the region;2)            indicators of the export potential of the regional manufacturing industries, contributing to the development of the region.Results.The main results of the study are in identifying the regions of the Siberian Federal District, in which the manufacturing industry is the most important component in supporting the development of the region and maintaining its economic security. Moreover, special attention is paid to the contribution of manufacturing industries to the socio-economic stability of the Omsk region.The paper touches upon the theoretical and methodological provisions related to the study of the role of manufacturing industry in the development of the country and its regions and in improvement of methods for assessing regional economic security. The author proposes the group of indicators that allow more accurately reveal the impact of manufacturing industry on the socio-economic condition of the region.Discussion and conclusion. The conducted research allows supplementing the existing scientific directions with the approach, which clarifies the assessment of the manufacturing industry with an analysis of its export potential indicators, in order to expand the comprehensive understanding of the most problematic points of regional development from economic security point of view.


Siberian State Automobile and Highway University (SibADI)

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