Traffic noise research in tambov city


Guskov A. A.1ORCID,Stepanov N. A.1ORCID,Anokhin S. A.1ORCID


1. Tambov State Technical University


Introduction. The problem of traffic noise on the road network of cities is considered. The reasons for the annual increase in the sound level on urban roads in Russia and abroad, as well as the factors contributing to this, are investigated. The purpose of the work: on the basis of the conducted theoretical research and the obtained experimental data, to develop measures that contribute to improving the environmental safety of the city, to build a model of the dependence of the noise level on the traffic intensity, taking into account the peculiarities of the organization of traffic and urban planning in Tambov.Materials and methods. Sound level measurements on the Tambov road network were carried out in accordance with the methodology specified in GOST 20444-2014, which provided for the assessment of the actual noise characteristics of traffic flows (by vehicle type). The measurements were carried out using a noise meter in summer and winter during peak and inter-peak times on weekdays.Results. The study of the noise level on the Tambov street and road network showed an excess of this indicator relative to the norms by 7-18%, depending on peak and inter-peak time, as well as the summer and winter period. The dependence of the traffic intensity of vehicles on the noise level in the summer and winter periods is constructed.Discussion and conclusion. The measures were proposed, including urban planning, to reduce the sound level in the areas under consideration. The complex of these measures will reduce the level of traffic noise on the city’s road network by an average of 5-15 dBA.


Siberian State Automobile and Highway University (SibADI)

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