1. Perm National Research Polytechnic University
Introduction. The reasons for the formation of an increased amount of condensate in the exhaust system of a car at a low ambient temperature are considered. Since the speed of the vehicle is one of the factors that determine the heating of the exhaust system and the formation of condensation, an experimental study was carried out to determine the temperature of the elements of the exhaust system at various vehicle speeds.The purpose of this study: to establish the features of the temperature change of individual elements of the exhaust system, depending on time at different vehicle speedsMaterials and methods. The sequence of the experimental study consisted of starting the “cold” engine, accelerating the car and then moving the car at a constant speed for 20 minutes. Simultaneously with the start of the engine, the temperature of the elements of the exhaust system was recorded. In this study, thermocouples were used to measure the surface temperature of the exhaust system. Experimental studies were carried out on a Toyota Camry with a gasoline engine in the climatic conditions of the Perm Territory.Results. The dependences of the temperature of the exhaust system elements on time were obtained at different speeds. In an experimental study, it was found that the temperature of the elements of the exhaust system is established within 8-12 minutes from the start of the vehicle at a constant speed; the rear muffler has the least surface heating, and therefore the greatest probability of the formation and accumulation of condensate.Discussion and conclusion. The analysis of the peculiarities of the change in the temperature of the exhaust system during the movement of the vehicle in conditions of low ambient temperature is carried out. The established patterns can be used to obtain information on the processes of condensate accumulation in the exhaust system and are aimed at predicting the amount of condensate accumulation in the exhaust system; to develop new solutions to ensure reliable operation of the exhaust system.
Siberian State Automobile and Highway University (SibADI)
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