1. Karasyev G.N. Opredelenie sily rezaniya grunta s uchyotom uprugih deformacij pri razrushenii [Determination of the cutting force of the soil, taking into account elastic deformations during destruction] Construction and road machinery, 2008. 4: 36-42. (In Russian)
2. Karnaukhov A.I.. Orlovskiy S.N Opredelenie zatrat udel’noj energii na process rezaniya lesnyh pochv torcevymi frezam [Determination of the cost of specific energy for the process of cutting forest soils with end mills]. Construction and road machinery, 2010. 1: 20-22. (In Russian)
3. Kravets I.M. Opredelenie kriticheskoj glubiny rezaniya pri kombinirovannom rezanii gruntov gidrofrezo [Determination of the critical cutting depth for combined cutting of soils with a hydrophreeze]. Construction and road machinery, 2010. 5: 47-49. (In Russian)
4. Kirillov F.F. Determinirovannaya matematicheskaya model’ vremennogo raspredeleniya tyagovogo usiliya dlya mnogorezcovyh rabochih organov zemlerojnyh mashin[Deterministic mathematical model of the time distribution of traction force for multi-cutter working bodies of earthmoving machines]. Construction and road machinery, 2010. 11: 44-48. (In Russian)
5. Berestov E.I. Vliyanie treniya grunta po poverhnosti nozha na soprotivlenie rezaniyu[Effect of soil friction on the knife surface on the cutting resistance]. Construction and road machinery, 2010. 11: 34-38. (In Russian)