Planning of rolling stock operation considering specific features of road traffic management when transporting goods in the Far North


Trofimov L. S.1ORCID,Vakhrushev S. S.1ORCID


1. Siberian State Automobile and Highway University (SibADI)


Introduction. The operation practice for the rolling stock of road transport during the transportation of goods in the harsh conditions of the Far North (Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)) shows the necessity to organize measures related to ensuring road safety on road sections with ups and downs. To prevent rolling stock from running off the road and overturning, tractor equipment is used as a tractor for road transport, the use of which is time-consuming. The purpose of this article is to develop a new theoretical toolkit for planning the work of the rolling stock, which makes it possible to determine the time spent on transportation.Materials and methods. The study uses field observations for trips, during which tractor equipment was used as a tractor for road transport on cargo transportation routes, where movement was carried out on descents and ascents.Methods of probability theory and mathematical statistics were used to determine the probability of occurrence of an event, the values of confidence intervals for the time of movement of the rolling stock, taking into account the confidence probability of 0.95. As the basis of the performed research, the scientific work of scientists on the planning of the work of the rolling stock was used, taking into account the peculiarities of the organization of road traffic during the transportation of goods in difficult operating conditions.Results. The authors determined the time spent on the transportation of goods using tractor equipment as a tractor for planning the work of IVECO-AMT 733910 С/Т rolling stock on six routes. The value of the probability of using tractor equipment on the studied routes for planning the operation of IVECO-AMT 733910C/T rolling stock has been established.Conclusions. The presented values of the movement time of the IVECO-AMT 733910 С/Т rolling stock when transporting goods using tractor equipment as a tractor can be used for practical use in planning from December to March when transporting collapsible structural elements of drilling rigs and property of drilling crews.


Siberian State Automobile and Highway University (SibADI)


General Medicine

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