Volodymyr Fedorovych CHERKASOV
The article substantiates the content of the organization of educational work in secondary education institutions of Great Britain based on the analysis of research by domestic and foreign scientists, the generalization of the work experience of state and private schools, the introduction of music classes, which positively affects the formation of the personality of the future citizen and defender of general cultural and national values. On the basis of a comparative analysis of the reform of secondary education institutions in Great Britain, we tried to identify psychological-pedagogical and moral-ethical problems of humanizing the educational process, the results of which were aimed at the formation of universal and national values in students. Based on the analysis of the scientific intelligence of British researchers, we were convinced that the reform of the content of educational work in Great Britain led to a shift in emphasis to internal centralization processes, which included the introduction of educational standards and programs of autonomous school management in Great Britain. At the same time, it should be recognized that educators and teachers also provide schoolchildren with leisure time and ensure that students lead a healthy lifestyle. In their free time from classes, school teachers organize excursions for children, organize various sports competitions and involve them in interest clubs. In most boarding houses, music programs have been developed, where children participate in vocal ensembles and learn to play musical instruments. Jazz ensembles, playing electronic musical instruments, and participation in solo singing groups are popular. Keywords: educational work, secondary education institutions, Great Britain.
ME of Higher Education "Academy of Culture and Arts" of Transcarpathian Regional Council
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