Tetiana Mykolaivna STRITIYEVYCH,Svitlana Oleksandrivna LAVRYNENKO
In the article, the authors consider the problem of the formation of soft skills among students of art and pedagogical education. The state of readiness for modern effective professional activity of a graduate of a higher education institution is determined not only by the presence of a certain system of professional knowledge, abilities and skills (hard skills) that help him perform the functions assigned to him by the state and society. The demand for modern development of life requires the specialist, first of all, to adapt freely in today’s conditions, to respond quickly and qualitatively to changes and needs of society. In this context, the effective application of social and psychological abilities and skills (soft skills) in a balanced combination with professional knowledge is one of the main indicators of becoming a highly qualified specialist who is able to objectively assess the conditions of activity, actively seek and find a creative approach to solving tasks at work place. A modern specialist in the art and pedagogical field is a widely educated person who is able to quickly adapt to new conditions, to effectively carry out intercultural communication with colleagues from different countries, solving problems of theoretical and practical importance. Today’s labor market requires comprehensive development from an individual, which would ensure the competitiveness of a specialist already at the beginning of his professional activity. Therefore, important importance should be attached not only to the professional knowledge of a specialist in a specialty, but also to his ability to quickly respond to market requirements, continuously engage in self-education, be able to communicate and take responsibility for the results of his own activities. The training of a specialist of this level involves the formation and development of students of art and pedagogical education in such skills as the ability to work in a team, conduct negotiations, find a compromise, analyze information, collect the necessary facts, formulate an opinion, argue, etc. The authors see the solution to this issue in the development of universal «soft skills» in students of art and pedagogical education during their studies, mastering which they get the opportunity to develop professionally and build a career. Keywords: students of artistic and pedagogical education, competence, soft skills, professional activity, motivation, creativity
ME of Higher Education "Academy of Culture and Arts" of Transcarpathian Regional Council
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