The purpose of this study is to determine the distributed leadership level of school administrators. The study is in the cross-sectional survey model to determine the distributed leadership level of school administrators. The sample of the study consists of 325 school administrators (principals and assistant principals) working in schools in the districts of Konya, Türkiye. In the study, the “Distributed leadership scale” developed by Hairon and Goh (2015) and adapted into Turkish by Akyürek (2022) was used to determine the level of distributed leadership. The results show that distributed leadership perceptions of school administrators were high. Moreover, distributed leadership perceptions of school administrators did not show a significant difference according to gender, age, duty, educational status, seniority of administration and school type variables. In this context, cooperation can be made with all education stakeholders, especially school administrators, and their opinions can be sought in order to carry out distributed leadership in schools more effectively on the basis of authorization, participation and sharing.
Language Teaching and Educational Research
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