Tax-Exempt Organization Financial Data: Availability and Limitations


Gordon Teresa P.1,Greenlee Janet S.2,Nitterhouse Denise3


1. University of Idaho.

2. Penn State University at Harrisburg.

3. DePaul University.


Historically, information about tax-exempt organizations has often been hard to obtain. The 1996 tax act requires a tax-exempt organization to provide a copy of its informational Form 990 to anyone who requests it and specifies penalties for noncompliance. Form 990 information on most tax-exempt organizations is also being made available in digitized form. The ready availability of such financial information will subject nonprofit reporting to greater scrutiny than ever before. Accountants need to be aware that preparer error rates may become public information. This paper describes recent developments that are making Form 990 data available to researchers and the general public. It then discusses potential uses for the data as well as limitations of the data, and considers possible implications for nonprofit managers, donors and accounting firms.


American Accounting Association



Reference39 articles.

1. Anthony, R. 1996. New tax form for charities is useless. The Chronicle of Philanthropy. (July 11): 17-18.

2. The growth of the nonprofit sector in the 1980s: Facts and interpretation

3. Chang, C. F., and H. P. Tuckman. 1993. Financial vulnerability and attrition as measures of nonprofit performance. In The Nonprofit Sector in the Mixed Economy, edited by A. Ben-Ner, and B. Gui. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press.

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