1. Arizona State University Col of Business - Box 873606 UNITED STATES Tempe AZ 85287-3606 480-965-8392 623-210-0561
2. School of Accountancy Col of Business - Box 873606 UNITED STATES Tempe AZ 85287-3606 480-965-8392 623-210-0561
3. W. P. Carey School of Business, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287, philip.reckers@asu.edu, 480-965-3631, FAX 480-965-8392 UNITED STATES
4. Kelley School of Business, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN 47405, asauciuc@iu.edu, 812-855-2657, FAX 812-855-4985 UNITED STATES