<p>The Giant Horsetail (<em>Equisetum telmateia</em>) is the only representative of <em>Equisetum </em>genus included in the list of strictly protected species. In Central and Western Europe the species is found in communities belonging to alliances: <em>Alno-Padion </em>and <em>Calthion</em>. With progressing destruction of these biotopes, one can observe the phenomenon of this species moving to the habitats extremely anthropogenic in character.</p><p>Frequent and intensive observations of this phenomenon were conducted in the Jasło - Krosno Dale area in southern Poland in three anthropogenic localities. In these localities three interesting, irregular <em>Equisetum telmateia </em>morphotypes were found: fo. <em>serotinum </em>subfo. <em>proliferum</em>, fo. <em>spiralis </em>and a morphotype with branched shoot.</p><p>The phenomenon of morphological plasticity of sporophytes is thought to be connected with the action of genes, which regulate the identity of developing plant organs and their distribution. These genes perform a superior part in relation to the system of growth regulators.</p>
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