The populations of parasitic nematodes colonizing the rhizosphere of <em>Helianthus tuberosus</em> L. grown in Polish plantations were studied in the summer of 2016 and the spring of 2017. A total of 35 nematode species were identified: <em>Paratrichodorus pachydermus</em>, <em>Trichodorus cylindricus</em>, <em>T. viruliferus</em>, <em>Longidorus attenuatus</em>, <em>L. elongatus</em>, <em>L. leptocephalus</em>, <em>Criconema annuliferum</em>, <em>Criconemoides informis</em>, <em>Mesocriconema rusticum</em>, <em>M. solivagum</em>, <em>M. xenoplax</em>, <em>Paratylenchus nanus</em>, <em>P. neoamblycephalus</em>, <em>P. projectus</em>, <em>Bitylenchus dubius</em>, <em>B. maximus</em>, <em>Merlinius brevidens</em>, <em>M. nothus</em>, <em>Scutylenchus quadrifer</em>, <em>S. tartuensis</em>, <em>Helicotylenchus digonicus</em>, <em>H. pseudorobustus</em>, <em>H. vulgaris</em>, <em>Rotylenchus pumilus</em>, <em>R. robustus</em>, <em>Pratylenchus crenatus</em>, <em>P. fallax</em>, <em>P. neglectus</em>, <em>Hirschmanniella gracilis</em>, <em>Aphelenchoides fragariae</em>, <em>Aphelenchus avenae</em>, <em>A. eremitus</em>, <em>Ditylenchus dipsaci</em>, and <em>D. medicaginis</em>. <em>Aphelenchoides fragariae</em> and <em>Ditylenchus dipsaci</em> could be foliar pathogens of <em>H. tuberosus</em> L. This is the first study to demonstrate the presence of <em>A. fragariae</em> on the leaves of the Jerusalem artichoke in Poland. The frequencies of occurrence and population densities of the 35 nematode species were determined.
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