Application of the Monti procedure in Adult Continent Cutaneous Urinary Diversion.


GALIQI Gëzim,BAJRI Luan,PESHA Albert,KONI Artan,SHEGA Bledar


Introduction; Monti and co. described in 1997 is a continent catheterizable conduit using short segments of the ileum (1). The use of this technique allows us to obtain 2 to 2.5 cm segment of the ileum to achieve a tabularized segment of 7-8 cm. The 15 cm of terminal ileum was not routinely used for this type of procedure. After the reconstruction of a tunnel, anastomosis was performed on the superior part of the posterio-lateral junction of the bladder. Objectives: To report 6 cases using the Monti procedure with ileum for adult continent cutaneous urinary diversion, from different etiologies. Materials and Methods: From 2007 to 2020 we treated 6 patients with different conditions with this procedure. First case was a middle-aged woman with a big vesico-vaginal fistula (fig.3) It was unappropriated to be closed with satisfactory functional results in terms of continence, because a part of the sphincter was destroyed also. The reason of damage was auto mutilation as a result of borderline personality. Discussion: Monti procedure associating Mitrofanoff principle was mainly used in pediatric patients (1,2,3) That’s because of the relatively easy execution of the “Mitrofanoff principle” and the high degree of continence obtained with its use (4). But can we use the same principle to resolve some difficult cases in adult urology also? Conclusion: The Monti tunnel is a valid option for continent intermittent catheterisation. It’s also an alternative to be adjunct with Mitrofanoff procedure when needed. We used it when the appendix was not appropriate to be used as a tunnel or when it was missing. It has a good continent percentage and it can be done rather easily. Of course, ours is a small series of cases to represent more important conclusions.


Albanian Society for Trauma and Emergency Surgery

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