Opinions of classroom teachers on values education in primary school curriculum




1. Tokat Public Education Center


TIn values education, the primary school period (7-9 years), which is the most important stage in the character development of individuals, and indirectly the classroom teachers are very important. Primary school teachers play a critical role in the implementation of the values education curriculum that has been given importance recently. The purpose of this research is to examine the views of primary school teachers on values education in primary school curriculum. In the study using descriptive survey model, quantitative method was used. Purposive sampling method was used in the research. In this context, the sample of the study consisted of 281 classroom teachers in the city center of Tokat in the 2020-2021 academic year. In the study, an opinion scale on value education developed by Başçı (2012) was used to collect quantitative data. Frequency, percentage, t-test for independent groups and one-way analysis of variance were used in the analysis of the data. Considering the results of the research; effective value education, value in the curriculum and the general sum of all sub-dimensions in favor of female teachers in the opinions of teachers on values education; in favor of teachers in the 20-29 age group in the general sum of all sub-dimensions; It was found that the views on the family-environment-media sub-dimension were in favor of the teachers working for 1-5 years. It was found that there was no significant difference in the grand total of all sub-dimensions according to the classes they taught.


Journal for Educating Gifted Young Scientists (JEGYS)



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1. At the Basic Education Level;Global Perspectives on Value Education in Primary School;2023-08-18








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