This study aims to determine the predictive role of cognition in computational thinking. In this context, the research has two problem situations. The first one is the development of a computational thinking scale for prospective teachers. The second is to determine the predictive role of metacognition in computational thinking with this scale. In Study-1, the computational thinking scale was developed with (N= 365) participants. In Study-2 (N=306), the role of metacognition in computational thinking was explained with structural equation modeling. These findings show that, the computational thinking scale consisting of 28 items in Study-1 explained 48% of the total variance with a single factor structure and the internal consistency coefficient was found to be .985. In Study-2, the role of metacognition in computational thinking was tested with structural equation modeling. Accordingly, the planning, debugging and procedural knowledge sub-dimensions of metacognition explained 47% of the variance of computational thinking.
Journal for Educating Gifted Young Scientists (JEGYS)
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