Investigation of burnout levels of special education teachers




1. Hacı Selimağa Özel Eğitim Uygulama Okulu


The aim of this study was to investigate burnout levels of teachers working in special education schools according to different variables. 127 teachers from Üsküdar, Kadıköy, Ataşehir and Beykoz districts of the Anatolian side of Istanbul participated to the study. In this survey research the data was collected with the Maslach Burnout Scale. Personal information form for demographical data was also given to the participants. The statistical analyzes of the data was conducted in SPSS software package and the burnout levels of the participants were determined. According to the findings, the burnout levels of the teachers did not differ significantly in terms of gender and seniority variables. However, there is a significant difference in the subscale of emotional exhaustion among teachers with undergraduate and graduate degrees (t = -2,036, p


Journal for Educating Gifted Young Scientists (JEGYS)

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