Examining the views of trainers and trainees on the effectiveness of on-line Youtube guitar training




YouTube, which enables individuals to access information by eliminating the concept of time and space, is becoming more and more involved in the education dimension every day. The purpose of this research is to examine the effects of guitar training videos published in Turkish on YouTube on guitar playing, in line with the views of trainers and trainees, and the effectiveness of YouTube on-line training in line with the views of educators and trainees. In this descriptive research, a scanning model was used. 30 trainers who regularly upload free training content to YouTube and 96 people who received training from these trainers participated in the research. As a data collection tool, the Opinions Questionnaire on Guitar Education on YouTube, which consists of five-grade likert type questions and open-ended questions, was used. As a result of the research; it is seen that most of the instructors broadcast to provide their information free of charge and to support the educational institution they are affiliated with, and the preferences of the students to follow these broadcasts are due to transportation, time and financial opportunities. In line with the statements of the participants, it was concluded that the students found the Turkish guitar training content published on YouTube useful, they were able to communicate with the trainers and the majority of them were able to learn guitar with this method.


Journal for Educating Gifted Young Scientists (JEGYS)



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