1. Kharkiv National Agrarian University named after V.V. Dokychaiev
The results of the research of the cucumber plants desity of Konkurent, Beregvoy, Feniks – 640, Dzherelo varieties are represented in the article. The plants wore graun in open sail conditions of the Left-Band Forest – Steppe of Ukraine with the intertihlage width of 1,4 m. The researches were conducted in 1997-2015 at the Fruit and vegetable grawing and Storage Chair of Kharkiv National Agrarian University named affer V. V. Dokuchayiv. The results of the research witness that the optimal plant density for the cucumber of Konkurent and Beregvoy varieties is 90 -100 pieces per hectar. For Feniks – 640 variety the lensity is 80 – 90 thausands pieces per hectar. It is necessary to treat the plants of Dzherelo varieties with density of 100 – 110 thausands pieces per hectar.
Key words : cucumber, variety, density, Konkurent, Beregvoy, Feniks – 640, Dzherelo, crop productivity, phenological obserwation
Kharkiv National Agrarian University
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