Bouttelgier Robin,Vandamme Stijn,Ververken Frédéric,Maenhoudt Wim,Du Four Stephanie,Van Lerbeirghe Jeroen,Vanhauwaert Dimitri,Van Damme Olivier
Deep brain stimulation of the nucleus ventralis intermedius (VIM-DBS) is considered a safe and effective treatment for medically intractable essential tremor (ET). However, ventriculomegaly can provide a surgical challenge, as there is an increased risk of breaching the ventricle during the procedure, with potential risk of intraventricular hemorrhage and target displacement.
Case Description:
In this case series, we report successful bilateral VIM-DBS in a 72-year-old and 69-year-old female ET patient with significant ventriculomegaly. VIM-DBS therapy provided an excellent tremor response. After 5 years, a ventriculoperitoneal shunt was implanted in the first patient due to an incomplete Hakim-Adams triad, with significant improvement in gait and cognition.
To the best of our knowledge, we present the first report on VIM-DBS in ET patients with ventriculomegaly and illustrate that VIM-DBS can provide an excellent tremor response in patients with medically intractable ET, even in the context of marked ventriculomegaly.