Collection and processing of effusion fluids for cytopathologic evaluation


Shidham Vinod B.


Accumulation of fluid in serous cavities as effusions may have to be drained for therapeutic and diagnostic indications. As compared to many other procedures, the technicality of paracentesis procedures is relatively easy. As a result, effusion fluids comprise a significant proportion of specimens in most of the laboratories, including those in community settings. Because of relative complexities in the cytopathologic evaluation of effusion fluids, application of appropriately standardized protocol is critical for achieving optimum results by applying standardized steps from handling of specimens during the initial stages of collection to the final interpretation phase. Understanding various limitations and challenges during collection and processing phases by all the personnel involved, including clinicians, pathologists, and technologists is critical for optimum diagnostic yield. This review highlights various cytopreparatory techniques applicable to effusion cytology in one place. It is organized by projecting the details predominantly in the form of different tables and figures including summary of the recommended protocols with reagents and stains used. Also included is a sample of cytopathology report based on the approach discussed in this series.


Scientific Scholar


Pathology and Forensic Medicine







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