1. Department of ENT, School of Medical Sciences and Research, Sharda Hospital, Sharda University, Uttar Pradesh, India
Empty nose syndrome (ENS) is a poorly understood and rare iatrogenic disorder resulting from the destruction of normal nasal tissue. ENS is a recognized complication after turbinate excision. These patients suffer from endonasal crusting and dryness and a paradoxical sensation of nasal obstruction. These complications of ENS predispose these patients to recurrent sino-nasal infections.
Case report
Here we have reported the case of a 20-year-old female with right-sided nasal obstruction and headache. On diagnostic nasal endoscopy (DNE), the right nasal cavity was devoid of all anatomical landmarks. A hidden ethmoidal mucopyocoele was identified on radiological evaluation . This was drained surgically. Patient’s symptoms improved drastically postoperatively.
Despite the fact that occurrence of rhino-sinusitis is common in patients of ENS, a mucocoele or mucopyocoele has never been reported previously. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first ever reported case of ENS with ethmoidal mucopyocoele in a young, immuno-competent patient.