Rahimizadeh Abolfazl,Sami Sam Hajialiloo,Rahimizadeh Shahrzad,Williamson Walter L.,Amirzadeh Mahan
Pure sequestrated thoracic disc herniations secondary to a traumatic event are rare.
Case Description:
Elderly male presented with the sudden onset of severe paraparesis following a fall. The MR showed a left-sided extruded disc at the T10-T11. The patient underwent a thoracic interlaminar laminectomy, removal of one large, and several smaller sequestrated disc fragments utilizing a transfacet corridor requiring placement of an interbody Peek cage, and bilateral T10 and T11 pedicle screw instrumentation. At 6 postoperative months, he sustained a good recovery.
Acute thoracic disc herniations without attendant fracture/dislocation are rare. When they result in major neurological deficits, timely surgical excision is warranted.
Clinical Neurology,Surgery