Routine skincare - What I advise to defy aging?


Singh Nidhi1


1. Department of Dermatology, Gleneagles Global Health City, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India,


Aging is a natural process and a fact of life, but increasing life expectancy and the desire to look young have led to seeking out answers concerning skincare to defy aging. Various reasons for aging have been implicated such as the effect of gravity on soft tissue results in their sagging over the facial skeleton, sun damage, hormonal changes, decreased skin blood flow, weight gain, fascial and ligament laxity, shrinkage of glandular tissue, and skeletal resorption. Although intrinsic aging is genetically driven, extrinsic aging is affected by sun exposure, environmental insults, stress, sleep patterns, smoking, and various lifestyle factors. Extrinsic aging can be delayed or reduced by various lifestyle modifications such as moving naturally throughout the day, mindful eating, good sleep, prioritizing stress relief, strong social network with family and friends, and a good skincare routine. Good skin health reflects overall well-being. A good skincare routine of gentle cleansing, moisturizing, and sun-screening along with a healthy lifestyle can help reduce aging changes.


Scientific Scholar

Reference16 articles.

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4. Intrinsic and extrinsic factors in skin ageing: A review;Farage;Int J Cosmet Sci,2008

5. Impact of smoking and alcohol use on facial aging in women: Results of a large multinational, multiracial, cross-sectional survey;Goodman;J Clin Aesthet Dermatol,2019







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