Workplace violence against physicians in intensive care units in Turkey: A cross-sectional study




1. Department of Internal Diseases, Subdivision of Critical Care Medicine, Dokuz Eylul University Faculty of Medicine, Balçova, Ýzmir 35150, Turkey

2. Department of Anesthesia and Reanimation, Subdivision of Critical Care Medicine, Dokuz Eylul University Faculty of Medicine, Balçova, Ýzmir 35150, Turkey


Background Although there are many studies on violence against physicians in the literature, there are few studies on violence against physicians working in intensive care units (ICUs). We aimed to investigate the frequency, type and underlying factors of violence against physicians working in ICUs in Turkey in the past 1 year. Methods We collected data by sending a questionnaire about violence against physicians working in ICUs via e-mail and WhatsApp between 1 and 15 May 2022. IBM SPSS Statistics V.24.0 was used for data analysis. The chi-square test and Fisher precision test were used to compare categorical data. Results Over one-third (38.6%) of the 354 physicians participating in our study reported that they had been exposed to violence in the past year, while 20.7% reported that they had been exposed to violence more than once in the past year. There was a significant relationship between the frequency of exposure to violence, female gender, age group, title, subspecialization status, working style and duration of working in the ICU (p<0.05). There was no relationship between the working area, type of hospital and ICU and exposure to violence (p>0.05). The presence of restriction and control points at the entrance to ICUs prevented violence (p<0.05). Conclusion Physicians working in ICUs encounter violence against them. The frequency of violence increased after the Covid-19 pandemic. A significant relationship was found between the frequency of violence and female gender, age group, title, subspecialization status, working style and duration of working in ICUs.


Scientific Scholar







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