Healthcare solutions that keep senior citizen healthy for a long time are a priority. The development and use of health apps is growing rapidly as mobile technology, such as cell phones and smart watches, is advancing. Given the social challenge of statistical change, cellular health solutions that keep older people healthy and active can help them avoid or delay job losses. This paper introduces a review of mobile technology documents, particularly wearable technologies such as cell phones, accessories, and wrist watches, introduces new ideas on how the system can be used to promote healthy living, and discusses a way forward to improve development and practice in the field of practical, healthy lifestyle applications. The basic SLR was created by studying research articles published in reputable journals between 2010 and 2021. In all 200 papers, a total of 60 papers were cautiously selected and categorized using an efficient process. The main purpose of this literature review is to compile all research related to Mobile Health applications, sensors / devices and network types. In this paper, we made a taxonomy which is based on the mobile health app. In addition, it also addresses important issues and challenges being investigated in the health sector.
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