Paraffin Oxidation in Pseudomonas aeruginosa I. Induction of Paraffin Oxidation


van Eyk J.1,Bartels Trude J.1


1. Koninklijke/Shell-Laboratorium, Amsterdam, The Netherlands


The induction of paraffin oxidation in intact cells of Pseudomonas aeruginosa was investigated. Oxidation of 14 C-heptane by cell-free extracts of adapted cells showed that the activity of whole cells is a reliable reflection of the synthesis of the first enzyme in the degradation of n -alkanes. Induction was significantly affected by glucose and could be completely repressed by malate. The amino acids l -proline, l -alanine, l -arginine, and l -tyrosine exhibited a rather low repressor action. Malonate, a nonrepressive carbon source, allowed gratuitous enzyme synthesis. A number of compounds which did not sustain growth were found to be suitable substitutes for paraffins as an inducer. Among these were cyclopropane and diethoxymethane. The induction studied under conditions of gratuity with the latter compound as an inducer showed immediate linear kinetics only at saturating inducer concentrations. With n -hexane as the inducer, a lag time was always observed, even when high concentrations were used.


American Society for Microbiology


Molecular Biology,Microbiology

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