In vitro simulation of immunosuppression caused by Trypanosoma brucei: active involvement of gamma interferon and tumor necrosis factor in the pathway of suppression


Darji A1,Beschin A1,Sileghem M1,Heremans H1,Brys L1,De Baetselier P1


1. Unit of Cellular Immunology, Flemish Interuniversity Institute of Biotechnology, University of Brussels (V.U.B.), Sint Genesius Rode, Belgium.


Experimental infections of mice with the African trypanosome Trypanosoma brucei lead to a profound state of T-cell unresponsiveness in the lymph node cell (LNC) compartment. This suppression is mediated by macrophage-like cells which inhibit interleukin 2 (IL-2) secretion and down-regulate IL-2 receptor expression (M. Sileghem, A. Darji, R. Hamers, M. Van de Winkel, and P. De Baetselier, Eur. J. Immunol. 19:829-835, 1989). Similar suppressive cells can be generated in vitro by pulsing 2C11-12 macrophage hybridoma cells with opsonized T. brucei parasites (2C11-12P cells). Cocultures of 2C11-12P cells and LNCs secrete higher levels of gamma interferon (IFN-gamma), and the hyperproduction of IFN-gamma was found to be confined to CD8+ lymphoid cells. Elimination of CD8+ cells from cocultures of 2C11-12P cells and LNCs restores the T-cell proliferative response. Furthermore, addition of neutralizing anti-IFN-gamma antibodies to the cocultures reduces the level of suppression and concomitantly restores the level of IL-2 receptor expression. Hence, IFN-gamma plays a cardinal role in this in vitro model for T. brucei-elicited immunosuppression. Cocultures of LNCs and 2C11-12P cells in a two-chamber culture system further demonstrated that cell-cell contact is required for hyperproduction of IFN-gamma and, moreover, that IFN-gamma cooperates with a 2C11-12P-derived diffusible factor to exert its suppressive activity. Finally, tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha produced by 2C11-12P cells was found to be implicated in the hyperproduction of IFN-gamma, since addition of neutralizing anti-TNF-alpha antibodies to cocultures reduced the level of suppression and concomitantly abrogated the hyperproduction of IFN-gamma. Collectively, our findings indicate that T. brucei-elicited suppressive 2C11-12 macrophage cells differentially influence T-cell subpopulations: (i) CD8+ cells are signaled via cell-cell contact to produce IFN-gamma, and TNF-alpha is implicated in this process, and (ii) locally produced IFN-gamma and macrophage-released factors act in concert to inhibit CD4+ and CD8+ T-cell proliferative responses.


American Society for Microbiology


Infectious Diseases,Immunology,Microbiology,Parasitology

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